Friday, June 10, 2016

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation

The things I liked about this class are about how we got to learn new things about the internet and how to make an html to an original text. Some things I did not like about these things are that we had to learn so much about something that we needed for a specific project or assignment. Some things I would recommend are that we get more of free time and learn more about the internet and html. A highlight that really comes to my mind is that how we got to do things with our partners and show each other our creativity. I actually tried my best to pass this class with an A and even higher than 100%. I actually am reading my life planning goals that I will accomplish in the summer. I will always be committed to choose the right because I would like to succeed in life. What I learned in this class is how to put a power-point into my blog and make cool videos. What I will remember the most is the fact that we all had fun with one another and shared our ideas with each other.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Memorial Day

Memorial Day
       Memorial Day is a day on which those who died in active military service are remembered, traditionally observed on May 30 but now officially observed on the last Monday in May. Memorial Day is at the end of the month of May. A few ways to show honor on this day is to walk with the American flag and march showing respect to our troops that died during the time of war. What I would do on this day is to celebrate with family members and show honor and respect to our troops by doing the solute and the pledge of allegiance.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Becoming Your Best

Becoming Your Best
The 12 Principles of highly Successful Leaders
1. Be true to character

              “Characters are who they are by the choices they make.” Always be who you really are. By doing this you can actually more than what you expect. Being someone else won't really benefit you because then some of the people out there won't really like that character that is not you. Being yourself is what counts to get more chances in life. What I would do to benefit this is by being myself so that people can see who I really am. Always be the right character you need to be at the right time.

2. Use your imagination
Image result for use your imagination
            "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions." When you do an image for a class they require you to use your imagination. It just means to feel free in whatever you want to draw. Your imagination to be honest is what takes you places. The fact is that when you use your imagination you can think of whatever you want without any type of limits. Feel free to think and do things that someone else might enjoy seeing because you never know what your imagination can take you. What I would do is use my imagination to take me further especially when i achieve my future goals.

3. Apply the power of knowledge
Image result for Apply the power of knowledge
              "Knowledge isn't power until it is applied." It feels good when you know things because it makes you seem smart which everybody is. Knowledge is what takes you everywhere and it makes you pass certain amounts f situations or equations that make you process even more. If you know something that no one knows then let out your knowledge and find out more interesting things in life. What I do is to go over things, watch videos, and read books. Doing what ever it takes to know more everyday of your life which might take you places.

4. Never give up
              "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up." If you give up there is no other chance that will be able to pick you back up. Never give up because when you accomplish something you will feel proud of yourself and make everyone look up to you. When I play a soccer match I keep trying until I score a goal that will make the team win the match. When you try great things happen that will change your life in the future.

5. Find peace and balance
           "All the chaos in the world couldn't her from finding peace." Its never that good to be mad knowing that it won't benefit you later in life because then you will regret it. It's better to be happy than made because what will you learn from being made all the time. Finding peace makes life easier and you will be able to do more without any type of interruptions of any kind. Always make the right decision. 

6. Live the golden rule 
          "Treat others as you wish to be treated." No one likes to be treated badly because then problems happen to start. When you act a certain why there is people that will respect you and treat you the same way you treated them. No one is perfect but people with the right manners succeed in life because in this community there are many types f different people that act differently than you. Respect others and they will respect you the same way.

7. Build and maintain trust
           "The foundation of a relationship is trust." When it comes to big things and you have partners then that's where you will need trust in order to get things done. When there is trust there is no problem that will ruin things especially something big. If there is no trust sometimes there will be situations that will ruin things you started which is hard to catch up sometimes. Also the fact of relationships when there is trust the relationship turns out being a happy couple. When there is no trust that's where the emotions are hurt and no one likes a bad ending. Always maintain trust to end things in a happy way.

8.Quick to listen slow to wrath
           "He who is slow to anger has great understanding."Before you  take off to handle problems, think back for a bit and listen to the other person. Even when you think you're ready to respond, take another step back and make sure you've chosen the wise words. Relax and don not use your anger 
because then what will that benefit you 
later on in life. Hold in the anger because you won't like what will come out of you and how the person will think about you. Think positive and choose the right actions at the right time.

9. Lead with vision
            "Leaders keep their eyes on the horizon, not just on the bottom line."Being a leader is not that easy if you have the right attitude for the right time. Leading with vision takes you places especially the fact that we are able to see everything that is happening now a days. Leaders never give up until their main mission or goal is accomplished. Getting things done is what matters the most. Being a leader and leading with vision will take to places your leader will take you. 

10. Manage with a plan
           "Create your future with your future not your past." When you are a little kid you start to wonder what you will do later when you grow up in the future.  You start to plan your future with the help of your friends and teachers. When you plan your future make sure you make it happen. Be that someone you always wanted to be. I start to plan my new ideas because i have many ideas for what i want to do in the future.

11. Do what matters the most
           "Difficulties in your life don't come to destroy you, but to help you realize your hidden potential." Doing the most important things is what counts the most. When you do things that will benefit you later on the future you will be successful. Doing the least important things won't mean a lot to you or maybe others. Doing the most important is what takes you places and help you make changes in life.

12. Be accountable
          "The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do."Responsibility is not something  you do, it's a way of thinking and being.. When you're truly responsible, you believe that success or failure is up to you, even if you work within a team. You own your commitment to a result before the fact, before you take action. Be accountable for those who will need and will be proud of your work.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ten Tips To Be More Truthful

Ten Tips To Be More Truthful
1. Make a commitment to tell the truth
      Sometimes we get into situations where we decide to make a mistake and blame someone else. It doesn’t feel to get the blame but sometimes it is worth it. It’s because we ourselves need to learn from our own mistakes and get taught a new lesson. A quote by Abraham Lincoln says,” Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.” Telling the truth makes situations to be easily solved then lying. Always tell the truth because lying won’t get you anywhere and everything comes to light.

2. Tell someone about your commitment

       Telling someone your commitment is hard because sometimes you will do things that they will yell at your or get mad at you and you won’t like that. It’s actually the best thing you can do. Why? It’s because that person can help you out in life and make you successful for example our parents they want the best for their children. A quote by Dr. Steve Maraboli says,” Intent reveals desire; actions reveal commitment.” We make mistakes but there is someone to help us out of any situation. It’s okay to tell someone your commitment.

3.Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
        When ever you are in a situation you would want to try to talk yourself out of it. It my take a while for someone to answer right away but you will studer. 

4. Be careful of when and how you exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
        Think before you speak because you never know how the situation will end up once you speak. Its always important because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and especially someone who is really close to you. Words hurt more then punches to the face. Why? Punches just leave you marks and sooner or later the marks on your body or face go away. When words offend someone that person gets hurt from inside, the person's emotions break down from that moment, and there is no way to get that persons trust of happy side out of them. Be careful when you speak because you can hurt someone.

5. Be careful mot to twist the truth or leave out part of it

          When you get it trouble always explain how things happened because you want to solve the problem, not make it worse. You won't want to get blamed for something you did that someone else had caused. Sometimes people won't back you up and some do to be honest. Don't take advantage of people you know that will get your back because sometime that person won't be there to help you out. You should be able to back up yourself and give a firm explanation so that you don't get into more trouble.

6. Don't indulge in little white lies
            "Someday you will look back and know exactly why it had to happen."

7. Watch out for silent lies 
           "No matter how much the truth hurts, its always better than being lied to."

8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
         "If you tell the truth, it becomes part of your past. If you tell a lie, it becomes part of your future."

9. Talk to yourself
           "Talking to yourself motivates you to get the job done."

10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth
            "You may find the worst enemy or best friend in yourself."


Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Internet

How the internet works

The internet is a tangible physical system made to move information from place to place. Information is made of bits. We physically send bits by electricity, light, and radio waves.  Bandwidth is measured by the bitrate which is the number of bits per second transported. The internet is a network of networks and links billion of devices together. The internet adapted and absorbed new communication technologies. The data travels on the internet in a much less direct fashion. Many kinds of digital information can be sent with ip packets. The computer connects with the server to get the information. The internet is an open system but still exchange in private information. People can easily hack any information or code by guessing the letters.   

Friday, February 26, 2016

The 10 Keys to Personal Power

The 10 Keys to Personal Power
Brian Tracy
Key: Clarity
“Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do.”
       People are always setting goals for themselves and then beating themselves up when they miss by a mile. Then there are the folks who are so tired of missing the mark, they’ve just stopped setting goals completely. If you don’t know what you want, if you don’t lay a plan for getting from one point in your life to another, you’re just wondering in the woods blindfolded. You’re probably going to tumble down a steep slope, trip over some roots, or fall in a hole. You must be both willing and able to achieve the goal. You are the only one who can decide just how high your goal should be. Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be accomplished. 

Key 2: Competence
“If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get.”

       There is many ways to be competence. One example would be riding a bike. A time when it didn’t even occur to you that you couldn’t ride one. You were blissfully unaware of the fact and it simply didn’t matter. You were ‘unconsciously incompetent’ as far as bicycles were concerned. At first you tried to get balance but it seemed a little too hard. But you’re now ‘consciously’ aware of just how ‘incompetent’ you are at bike riding. You kept trying and a few grazed knees later you find yourself riding down the street with your friend. You’re now ‘competent’ although still very ‘conscious’ of what you’re doing. It still takes all your concentration to keep it together and avoid ending up in a big wobbly heap on the pavement. Truly confident people aren’t the ones who know for sure they’ll succeed; they’re the ones who know they can handle failure if it happens. So start giving yourself permission to not get everything right first time, and allow yourself to more comfortably tolerate outcomes that were failures.

Key 3: Concentration

“Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself “is this the best use of my time?” before you start anything.”

       Concentration is the key to mostly when something important needs to be done. When you concentrate you get things done and ready for the next day. Everyone at work is always busy trying to do their job for the day and being able to focus without any distraction. When you get distracted things don’t go the way you want it to go. Sometimes you get lost or confused and then end up behind of everyone. For us students we need to concentrate mostly all the time when it comes to quizzes. In order to pass the class with a good grade being able to concentrate and finish your work on time, you will pass the class and move up another level. At work, concentrate and at school concentrate. Be prepared for what is next. 

Key 4: Common Sense
-train your mind
-think things through
-listen to your intuition
-learn from setbacks

Key 5: Creativity
“Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions.”

Being creative is what most people look at when they meet someone new. Mostly everyone should be creative when we are in school at work or maybe at home when you have nothing to do. Creativity is basically how your brain works. Being able to draw or write is being creative. It doesn’t matter if you are crazy when it comes to coloring because people might be jealous about how creative you are or maybe that they were you in sense that I don’t want to be boring everyday having nothing to do. It’s not bad at all to be creative it’s actually the best thing to have in your life.

Key 6: Consideration
“The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life.”
“Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc.”
“If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history.”

        Consideration means careful thought, typically over a period of time. So people that we know the most are people that would complement us and probably spread to everyone they know. Sometimes people consider types of people recommended for certain jobs or activities that would help a lot. Makes us feel appreciated and makes get at a higher level in life.

Key 7: Consistency
“Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work”
Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person people can depend upon. That if you say you’ll do something you do it.

Those of us who dream of saving more in our sleep can’t imagine not putting money aside for an emergency. But for others, it’s a struggle for a number of reasons. They never learned from their parents or guardians how to manage money. They are taking care of elderly parents or family members, and those expenses dont leave room for them to save. They care too much about what people think, so they overspend to impress. They dont see the point of denying what they want in the present to save for the future since tomorrow isnt promised. But even for the last group of folks, I have compassion. They often don’t realize how much harm they’re doing to themselves until the worst happens. Make the right decisions and make life easier for yourself. Choose the right.

Key 8: Commitment
“No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success.”
“Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed.”

       When you wish for a dream and you want to accomplish it you stay committed in doing it. It means that you would sacrifice yourself to do what it takes to achieve that goal. Commitment can make things happen and will make you succeed. For example I want to be varsity QB but there is too many to go against, I decided if I make the team and there us a better QB then me I’m going to be on the bench for mostly every game. So I decided to try another position that does more than just throw the ball. So now I’m a staying committed to FB which helps the QB, blocks, runs, and gets to catch the balls. Now I am committed to playing football for my senior and I feel more confident in my position. My new goal is be FB/QB in the varsity football team.

Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the simple greatest reason for failure in life."
        It takes courage to achieve your goals in the future.
Having courage shows how brave you are and how you are capable of doing what you want to achieve in life. Sometimes it takes more than courage to complete important missions in life.

Key 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."
        When you are practicing something you really like you want to make the best out of it. You would want to be the best on that something you want to improve on. In order to proceed you need to have confidence in yourself saying that you can do it and be good at it. You need to make yourself believe that you can achieve anything you want. Be confident in  yourself because you need to cheer yourself if you have no one aside you. You be someone by giving yourself confidence make that person be alive in you feel the accomplishment that you made inside you. You will be proud of yourself  and believe it or not you can do anything you want you will just need confidence in yourself cause you can do it.

        Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be accomplished. There is many ways to be competence.