Monday, September 28, 2015

9 Ways to be happy and make something of your life

Way to be
      9 Ways to be happy and make something of your life
~Gordon B. Hinckley

1. Be grateful  

       To be grateful you must be an active and happy person. The word grateful means: feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful. A quote that represents grateful is,” the vibration of gratitude attracts more positive things into your life.”  An example of grateful would be when someone sees that you are a little bit short on money and someone in the line helps you pay the rest of your groceries. That person is being grateful to you. Be happy.
2. Be Smart
      Anyone in the world is smart and you may think they are not. Being smart makes you be an active person and solve problems like in school situations or class materials. Being smart will help you proceed in life. Why? It will help you in life because when you grow up you might invent something new that no one else ever thought of. Learning new things about vehicles or technology or even how to build a little house, your smartness will lead you there but it takes time and patience and also you need to be disciplined. It’s good to be smart and you need to push yourself if you want 
to be smart.

3. Be involved in Good Works

      When you get involved in good works many great things happen even to you. An example, you see people trying to help put up a poster and they can’t put it where they want it to be. You can help them out by asking “May I help” and for sure they will say yes and that is being part of good works, instead of stealing or doing drugs wasting time and not doing something great in life. Choose the right help those who need it and be grateful.

4. Be Clean
      Being clean is a big responsibility especially if you live alone or have your own room. Being clean will make things easier for you when you need something for school or work and you would already know where it’s going to be. When you are clean even your house you’ll live happy and never have to think of being a mess in life. You will be more productive and more relaxed.

5. Be True
       Being true to yourself is better than lying to your own self and feel bad at the same time. Being true to yourself is better because you don’t want to be the person that gets left out on all the fun. You would want to participate in fun class activities but lying to yourself won’t let you have fun and participate. Be true to yourself. 

6. Be Positive

      Being positive is the best way to live your life. Being positive on a bad day is good because you can change everything with the positive attitude. For example your boss yells at you but you ask him gently why he yelled at you he might explain but just in case take him a treat that will change his attitude. When you play a soccer game you get frustrated but if you are positive knowing that you can win the game if you all stay positive you will win the game. Play together and have fun stay in a positive attitude and great things will happen. I do a lot of positive things. When I’m in a positive attitude I do many things to others especially when they need help. When you’re positive your body is full of energy that can be transferred by greeting someone or helping someone. I’m positive every day because even if it’s a bad day I always find a way out of it.

7. Be Humble

      This is the best thing I am good at being humble. There will always be that person that is older than you and think that they can boss you around. If they are an adult especially a women just be humble. Being humble means having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance. If they tell you things you shouldn’t be doing just be calm ignore what that person says and just respond in a calm way. There is no need to have an argument with that type of person so might as well save time and move on. For example me, I am in a music group and since there is two bass players which is me and the lady she thinks she knows everything and could get things done and rubs it on my face. What I do is that I listen, look around and just be like whatever’s especially when she tells me what not to do. Once she leaves I am happy with the others and ignore what the person says. That is my way of being humble I act innocent and ignore.

8. Be Still
      Being still helps you calm yourself down when you are in a bad mood. When I’m in a bad mood I stay still and just continue doing homework or watch videos that takes your mind off things. When your still you live more calmly and you die of anger at a young age because when you get mad a lot you can die from it. I stay still when I need to focus and its because if you hurry you won’t get anything wrong and when you are still you get to relax and not rush at something that can be done in less than an hour. Be still to live a longer, healthier, stronger life.

9. Be Prayerful

          There is many ways to be happy but these 9 are one the main ones. Each topic/ways of being happy everyday help someone every single day when they have a bad day or good day. When you’re happy you make someone else happy which is good. Being happy can change someone’s way of living in this world. Always choose the right and be happy and cheer up others.

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